Museum on Tap: Slavery in the President’s Neighborhood

Saints Row Brewing 15 Fulks Corner Avenue, Suite 101-102, Gaithersburg, MD, United States

The White House stands as a symbol of democracy, yet it also reflects America’s complex history with slavery and freedom. Join us at Saints Row Brewing for an insightful evening […]

Museum on Tap: Here Come the WAVES

Saints Row Brewing 15 Fulks Corner Avenue, Suite 101-102, Gaithersburg, MD, United States

During World War II, the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) played a vital role in the United States Navy Reserve. These trailblazing women took on diverse responsibilities, from clerical work and weather forecasting to hospital service, helping to shape military history. Join Dr. Regina Akers from the Naval History and Heritage Command as […]
