Register to participate in Heritage Days 2025

The 26th annual Heritage Days weekend will be held on Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29, 2025.

During Heritage Days, over 30 parks, museums and historic sites open their doors free of charge for a countywide celebration of Montgomery County’s heritage. Join us and plan special activities or programs for both days, or just one.


How to Register Your Site

Register by either using this link or returning this Registration Form (Word Doc) to Heidi Schlag at

Please register by Friday, March 14.

More about Heritage Days

We will once again produce the multi-panel Heritage Days brochure/guide directing folks to the Heritage Montgomery website for details about the event.

  • To help us plan our print runs, please let us know how many of each you would like for your site and for advance distribution in your area – in coffee shops, daycare, restaurants, shops, etc. We depend on you to help get advance word out to your local community!

Returning Heritage Days participants should have plenty of the Heritage Days directional signs with metal stakes that we have distributed in years past.

  • If you need directional signs, please let us know via the registration form, as we will have to order them; they are not inexpensive and we will need to budget for this.

Heritage Days is the perfect opportunity for people of all ages to enjoy a summer weekend without spending a lot of money. Participants are asked to open free of charge. If absolutely necessary, you may charge for special activities, but the spirit of the weekend is best served by a free event!

We strongly encourage you to reach out to nearby heritage sites and plan to be open the same day/s and consider “cross-pollinating” programs and publicity.

Heritage Montgomery will distribute thousands of Heritage Days brochures to visitor and community centers, schools, libraries, sports complexes, offices, and businesses throughout the county. Heritage Days events are publicized through Montgomery County media and the events calendars of local, state, and national tourism offices. Heritage Days event information is also sent directly to 100+ press contacts, neighborhood list serves, and our 800+ mailing list.

But there is no one better to publicize your program than you! Please remember to promote your Heritage Days activities well before the event – as well as Heritage Days as a whole – to your organization’s members and visitors, and keep any leftover brochures to direct visitors to heritage area sites throughout the year.

Please let us know if you would like our help in planning.

Heritage Montgomery greatly appreciates the effort you put in to Heritage Days and recognizes the fact that some of you have participated in this program since its inception. Heritage Days continues to grow because of all you do to make it successful.

Thank you in advance for your support!


If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Schlag at And if you have any photos from previous Heritage Days events, please send them along to us for use in this year’s publicity.